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Name Place Product Quantity Date Status Visit Now
Emmanuel Michael Hungary Fresh Oranges 100 Metric Ton 2024/09/13 Active
Poom Thailand Essential Oils 1000 Kilogram/Kg 2024/09/13 Active
Helen Naveen Tamil Nadu Sarees 50 Piece/Pcs 2024/09/13 Active
Krithika Mohan Karnataka Chiffon sarees 500 Piece/Pcs 2024/09/13 Active
Sumathisridharan Karnataka Saree 1000 Piece/Pcs 2024/09/13 Active
Abhilash Sadanshive Maharashtra Silk sarees 50 Piece/Pcs 2024/09/13 Active
Vishveshn Chanda Telangana HDPE Granules 600 Kilogram/Kg 2024/09/13 Active
Ankit Rai Gujarat Plastic Granules 5 Metric Ton 2024/09/13 Active
Parth Uttar Pradesh Screws 2 Carton 2024/09/13 Active
Yash Delhi Bolts 2 Carton 2024/09/13 Active
Vijay Gujarat Garlic Oil 50 Kilogram/Kg 2024/09/13 Active
Hasan Mondal West Bengal White Garlic 3000 Kilogram/Kg 2024/09/13 Active
Veerpal Punjab dehydrated garlic flakes 1000 Kilogram/Kg 2024/09/13 Active
Suyash Kadam Maharashtra Fresh Garlic 5 Metric Ton 2024/09/13 Active
Raj Kumar Bihar Fresh Onion 1000 Kilogram/Kg 2024/09/13 Active
Tahir Uttar Pradesh Red Onion 1 Metric Ton 2024/09/13 Active
Place Quantity Product Date
Hungary 100 Metric Ton Fresh Oranges 13 Sep 2024
Thailand 1000 Kilogram/Kg Essential Oils 13 Sep 2024
Tamil Nadu 50 Piece/Pcs Sarees 13 Sep 2024
Karnataka 500 Piece/Pcs Chiffon sarees 13 Sep 2024
Karnataka 1000 Piece/Pcs Saree 13 Sep 2024
Maharashtra 50 Piece/Pcs Silk sarees 13 Sep 2024
Telangana 600 Kilogram/Kg HDPE Granules 13 Sep 2024
Gujarat 5 Metric Ton Plastic Granules 13 Sep 2024
Uttar Pradesh 2 Carton Screws 13 Sep 2024
Delhi 2 Carton Bolts 13 Sep 2024
Gujarat 50 Kilogram/Kg Garlic Oil 13 Sep 2024
West Bengal 3000 Kilogram/Kg White Garlic 13 Sep 2024

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