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Name Place Product Quantity Date Status Visit Now
Khadijah Masorong Manila, Philippines Animal stuff toys 25000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/22 Active
Suresh Gokool Mauritius Organic bio fertilizer 5000 Metric Ton 2024/10/22 Active
Desleutels Brugge Belgium Slippers 1000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/22 Active
Safia United Arab Emirates Footwear 500 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/22 Active
Jasmine Amaan, Jordan Frozen boneless buffalo meat 1 Container 2024/10/22 Active
Mohamed Sobhy Egypt Photo frames 25000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/22 Active
Shalika Sri Lanka Coir blocks 5000 Metric Ton 2024/10/22 Active
Denny Anne Neminzo Philippines Electric irons 10000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/22 Active
Pateda Suksomnuk Bangkok, Thailand Home appliance 5000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/22 Active
Rudi Indonesia Cocopeat block 10000 Metric Ton 2024/10/22 Active
Maria Iffat Nooha Bangladesh Candle stand 1000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/22 Active
Rushikesh Waingade Maharashtra Coriander Powder 1 Metric Ton 2024/10/22 Active
Gourav Khandelwal Madhya Pradesh Coriander Powder 1000 Kilogram/Kg 2024/10/22 Active
Ramanand Karnataka Spices 5 Metric Ton 2024/10/22 Active
Hemlata Ben Rajasthan Spices 5 Metric Ton 2024/10/22 Active
Vasant Maharashtra Cumin Seed 2 Metric Ton 2024/10/22 Active
Place Quantity Product Date
Manila, Philippines 25000 Piece/Pcs Animal stuff toys 22 Oct 2024
Mauritius 5000 Metric Ton Organic bio fertilizer 22 Oct 2024
Belgium 1000 Piece/Pcs Slippers 22 Oct 2024
United Arab Emirates 500 Piece/Pcs Footwear 22 Oct 2024
Amaan, Jordan 1 Container Frozen boneless buffalo meat 22 Oct 2024
Egypt 25000 Piece/Pcs Photo frames 22 Oct 2024
Sri Lanka 5000 Metric Ton Coir blocks 22 Oct 2024
Philippines 10000 Piece/Pcs Electric irons 22 Oct 2024
Bangkok, Thailand 5000 Piece/Pcs Home appliance 22 Oct 2024
Indonesia 10000 Metric Ton Cocopeat block 22 Oct 2024
Bangladesh 1000 Piece/Pcs Candle stand 22 Oct 2024
Maharashtra 1 Metric Ton Coriander Powder 22 Oct 2024

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